Steve is a full time driver rehab specialist, working with clients with specific impairments, areas of concern, anxieties or training with required adaptive equipment.
Adaptive equipment includes various left side hand controls, spinner knob or a left food accelerator.
Prices may vary depending on location, for more information e-mail:
Driver rehab programs provide assessment of driving potential and/or adaptive equipment required for driving to individuals whose driving ability may be affected by an injury, change in medical condition, aging or illness. Includes training programs specifically targeted for individuals with disabilities and seniors
If you are looking to book a full assessment please visit an approved ministry driver rehab site such as:
CBI Health - CBI Health Link
DriveLab - DriveLab Link
SE Health - SE Health Link
Skillbuilders Rehab - Skillbuilders Rehab Link
Our driving school has experienced and friendly driver training instructors that will help you learn everything you'll need to know to be a confident, safe driver!
DriveWell Canada has a number of different course packages to fit your budget and driver training needs. We also offer individual lessons at competitive prices.
We realize you may be in a rush to get on the road or pass your road test. Contact us and we will get back to you ASAP to schedule you in so you can meet your deadline.